When you’re looking for motivation, doesn’t it feel like it’s right out of reach? Do you find yourself looking for motivation for even the smallest of tasks? Or maybe you’ve been thinking about chasing a big goal but the journey there is so treacherous from the outside!
After the shiny, newness of a task or idea wears off, so does motivation if you’re not prepared for it. When you’re plugging away at a lengthy project, a few months into a new routine, or anything that requires time and patience, you need motivation at your side to get it done!
Not every motivation requires a big hoopla with balloons and invitations. Many will automatically think that this is what motivation is by default, or it’s millions of people chanting: “you can do it!” Sadly, this is why a lot of those big dreams and long term goals are given up on because that “rah-rah motivation” never came.
Frankly, some people aren’t great motivators. Or they just don’t know much about what you’re trying to accomplish. Or maybe they have too much going on in their own lives to dedicate to others. Regardless of the reasoning, looking inwards will consistently give you a motivator at all times.
And that inner-motivator knows exactly what you’re going through! No matter where you are in your journey, this motivation stays with you if you tend to it and have a plan in place to keep it going.
Curious about other things to do to make sure your goals are tackled? Take a peek at the Goals tag to see simple, easy steps to take on even the biggest of goals!
Also! Check out the Planning tag. This tag has everything you need to plan a no-nonsense day, jam packed with everything you need to achieve your goals! The Productivity tag will give you even moreways to turn into a well-oiled machine, without any additional energy!
So, if there’s this inner motivator why am I so unmotivated?
The short answer: they’ve been dealing with a lot of baggage:
Loss of Value
Outside Forces
Fear is the number ONE reason why people get unmotivated.
If you’re taking steps to create a better life for yourself, this requires a lot of change. Change in routine, change in mindset, change for everything! One thing our brain is hardwired to do is fear change. We love to be comfortable, even if we’re miserable in this comfortability.
Not only do we fear change, but we fear the unknown! Hardwired to fear the unknown, and not take another step towards it. Even with millions of people who took the leap, our brains still question the validity of their statements.
Negativity is right alongside fear. When fear doesn’t work, our minds toss out some negativity to prevent this change.
How many times do you tell yourself “I can’t…” “I don’t have time…” or “Not until (this), can I…”when you’re faced with your journey to achieve your goals? Even if you’re not saying it to yourself, you begin to become sensitive to other’s negativity.
For example, if you’re looking to change your diet, you may unconsciously begin to do moreresearch on the negative side effects, rather than looking at other people’s success stories with it.
Or perhaps, we ask for someone’s opinion and they are known for not being open-minded to your journey or lifestyle change.
Loss of Value
Loss of Value explains a lot of little tasks that we roll our eyes at and push off, even though they’re apart of the bigger journey!
Sometimes we’re just not motivated because who cares about the laundry, right? Well, if your goal is to be more productive through out the day, it really messes up your routine you spent lot of time and effort on already. Think of it this way for this example, if you push off your laundry until tomorrow, what do you have to shuffle around to accommodate it?
Outside Forces
Outside Forces are the final bag your inner-motivator is juggling. This one can be difficult since there are some things that are out of our control. However, most outside forces are few and far between. Fear and negativity can mimic this reason.
An outside force could be being physically unable to lift a 60lb box down from the attic, if you’re on the decluttering journey. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for help with this task or tackle other projects.
When our inner-motivator is bogged with baggage, they won’t motivate. At all.
There are ways to take these burdens away from your inner-motivator and get them back to cheering you on and keep you on track to your big goals.
Let’s beat the motivation-baggage with these below!
Along the way, you’ll find yourself falling into the unknown. Maybe you weren’t prepared for it, or something changed in your journey to lead you to unfamiliar waters.
When you start to feel shaky or start to feel that you’re losing your way, start researching. I can’t tell you how many times that this has saved me from giving up. We live in a fantastic time where we can find information on anything. Use this unlimited information to find out how to others overcame the struggle that you faced!
We tend to let the negative mindset of “I’m the only one” hold us back from actively seeking others who have gone through the same struggle.
Breaking through that motivation baggage by beating it at it’s own game will allow you to find out ways to actively try things that work rather than going at it alone or worse: giving up.
Ask yourself “What if?”
Ready to hone that negative talk into something that works? Ask yourself “what if…” to the things you’re unmotivated about. This is especially true for small, day to day tasks that get kicked around.
What if you didn’t vacuum today?
What if you didn’t finish your project today?
Thinking of your outcomes is an immensely powerful motivator. If not today, then when?
Plan your journey
Granted, not every journey has a clear path, but you can still prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Knowing where you’re going and what your “end goal” is will continue your motivation even through the most mundane tasks!
Think of it this way. When you don’t have a clear grasp on what to do next, how could you possibly be motivated to accomplish your goal when there’s nothing to be motivated about!
If your end goal is to be more intentional, what does that look like to you? If you could be your most intentionally living you, what would they look like?
Refocus on your Why
I cannot tell you this enough! Having a crystal-clear “why” you’re on your journey is one of my main reasons that I continued on my own self-improvement journey even when I failed at it time and time again. Why?
That’s just it: I didn’t have a “why” before! Without an end goal and a why, you’ll float from task to task without the end in sight.
Journeys are long, and different, and stressful at times, but keeping your “why” at front and center will outshine all of the baggage. When you know what your end goal is and why you started working towards it, that in itself is a very, very powerful motivator you can call upon at all times.
Although you won’t have a cheering crowd at the finish line, your inner motivator is there through the great and the not-so-great. With these tips to focus on, you can find your motivation time and time again, regardless of how big or how small your goals are!
Always remember that building a strong foundation of self is the first step of achieving any goal. When we’re better people, we can begin to start seeing significant change for the better of ourselves and the people we care about.
SOURCE - patriciajhancock
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