Making The Best Out Of Nothing In Your Business - BY ALAKA TOBI

Making The Best Out Of Nothing In Your Business

 Life and the beauty of its existence . Life is sweet ,life can be bitter , but the best part of it all is that life creates balance . Most times in life , we find ourselves in tight situations , the availability of things is never equal to our needs or wants, but when we look, think and understand beyond
the surfaced reality , we realise every situation is an opportunity for an unforeseen light to resurface and be recognised .

Now lets talk business ! someway , somehow in the business world, most especially in the creative industry , there comes times we find ourselves in limited situations , ones that can be trying and tough to pull through . clients would give less for more ; though most times they have a convincing explanation for this. but what do you do as an entrepreneur ,whom being self employed on one side is already a tough one to handle . You don’t want to get emotions involved , you know, they says it rubs off!
at the same time you don’t want to lose yourself totally in the financial race . so how then do you balance emotions and business . This one has a simple answer , you simply settle for something that would serve both ends. Of which in a nutshell is accepting their offer and adding some conditions that would ease your efforts to it .

Now lets get to the thinking .. You’ve accepted their offer and given your conditions , now you are left to face your reality . Reality on the other hand sounds like a nightmare in this context .lol. so how do you go about the thinking . Just like the first paragraph instigated ,

Never think because you’ve had a routine for a while, think you cannot not regenerate another . Irrespective of how life is expensive , we still have some cheap good things out there , less i forget , we also have some upcoming good things out there. Before you got big works , you started by doing small ones perfectly , now this where the saying ‘NEVER FORGET YOUR SOURCE’ comes in place .

Remember your small start up and compliment your new work . Consider how you had to collect cheap money for small works and you made sure you convinced your clients to the best you are today. They couldn’t have been that bad , they brought you to your today . Bring back the disco
and let them dance to the reminisced satisfaction .

Perhaps , you could also try this. As a entrepreneur , it is good to have an understudy
, don’t mind my choice of word ( Too much time spent in the movie world) . Have an apprentice if you don’t have one yet , let them handle small jobs as a part of examining their work learnt so far, you started from somewhere too . Make sure its worth the risk and take the risk . Pick a most trusting hands . A friend of mine once said ‘’any business that can’t keep running when you are asleep , is not a business ‘’. work and employ in a way that you could have peace even in the heat of activities . Employ trusting and effective hands into your business and benefit awesomely from a cheap business by manipulating a more rewarding gain to your enterprise . Now you understand why i chose the topic . A toute de suite !
