EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE CEO OF Rieydah’s fabevents and beauty affairs ; FARIDAH MUSTAPHA

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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH THE CEO OF Rieydah’s fabevents and beauty affairs ; FARIDAH MUSTAPHA. 

"when I told my dad that I wanted to learn makeover, he said it’s a business for prostitutes Lol "  

 " and as 90% of my friends aren’t married, I know it’ll be a good idea going into event planning cos I’ll have so many weddings to plan 😁😁 As I like money''

ATJ: Good day everyone. It has been a nice day over here, I don't know how it is over there, but I sure do wish you a blissful day! With me here on our  INSPIRATIONAL interview segment is an event planner/ beauty artist Faridah Mustapha, the CEO of Rieydah’s fabevents and beauty affairs.

 Can you  please introduce yourself to us once again ?

FARIDAH: Hello everyone, I’m so honoured to be here. I’m Mustapha Faridah, I’m from kwara state, I graduated from Lagos state university and yes! I’m an event planner and a beauty artist.

ATJ: Smiles...that's a punchy one! So can you give us a brief of  what rieydah’s fabevents and beauty affairs is all about.

 FARIDAH: Okay, Rieydah’s fabevents is an event planning/ wedding coordinating/ bridal assistance business.
 Rieydah’s fabevents kicked off last year but I’ve been planning other events before then and Rieydah’s beauty started about 4 years ago while I was in  the university.

ATJ: Cool ..so you said Rieydah's Beauty started when you were in university ?  So which course did you study initially in school?

FARIDAH: Yes I studied psychology but I wanted to study mass communication because right from when I was younger, I wanted to be a news caster 😂😂. But as God will have it, I was given psychology.

ATJ: So, did you eventually find your way around psychology ?

FARIDAH: Oh yes I did.  It’s a very interesting course actually, Cos it helps you to understand humans more and as well  as how to relate with them.

ATJ: So what were your parent reaction when you first showed interest in  events coverage and makeovers .

FARIDAH: My parents are quite supportive of my passion especially my mum
.when I told my dad that I wanted to learn makeover, he said it’s a business for prostitutes Lol , but my mum was indifferent about it , she’s supportive and then about the event planning, hmm, I wanted to learn events decor but my mother said I might not be able to do it because it’s mostly Christians that get the jobs , lol. So I decided to go into event planning and wedding coordination . I’m telling you 😂 and as 90% of my friends aren’t married, I know it’ll be a good idea going into event planning cos I’ll have so many weddings to plan 😁😁 As I like money.

ATJ: Lol..now thats a bitter truth,  lol and our parents and their humour Wow! and how true is that? Have you experienced any prove of that so far ? Even from a distance ?

FARIDAH: Well, I think it’s true to an extent, not that if you’re a Muslim and you bid for an event planning job you won’t get it but you know Christians always decorate their churches and all of their events and so they have more opportunity to practice. That’s what she really meant .

ATJ:  That's true to an extent . so how has the experience been so far ,doing events and makeovers hand in hand , any challenges so far ? If yes, how did you get over those hurdles.

 FARIDAH: Hmmm... It’s not been really easy because planning an event especially a wedding isn’t child’s play and as well, there hasn’t been much challenges because I’m able to balance both quite well. The make up business is quite stable since i’ve been into it for quite some years now, so right now, I’m working on the event planning .

ATJ: That's inspiring ...so any embarrassing  or a tight corner moment you ever experienced from planning an event ? Because we hear, with event planning comes different disappointment and last minutes changes, have you ever experienced such scenarios? and how was such settled .

FARIDAH: Yes o! i remember when I decided to take the event planning business seriously, some
people thought it was a joke and laughed at the name Lol .The first major event i planned which was my SS3 get together party flopped ehn ! My God I cried! 😂 .We were supposed to use the school hall and the sch had already agreed to it o. Only for them to call us the night to the party that it’s impossible to use the sch hall after we had decorated the  hall . we had to start begging On the party day, the Dj was no where to be found ! he now showed up around 6pm when he was supposed to be there since 3. It wasn’t funny at all, there’s hardly any event that you’ll plan without facing any challenge. This wedding

i planned last weekend was a success but still, there were some challenges, like the program not starting at the right time, some last minute changes and all that..... but thank God! It was a major success at the end of the day.

ATJ: Wow...that's epic. That's  just  a major  problem most event planners face. So any major ground breaking so far. Like something new you just introduced into your event planning ?

FARIDAH: I’ll get back to you on that 😂😂😂

ATJ: lol. Ok

FARIDAH: If I’m granted another interview though.

ATJ: Ok😊 LOL. Ok! So what are the services your event planning covers and what are the Price range. Are your services affordable?

FARIDAH: Lol. We have event planning package, we have wedding coordinator package and then bride assistant. The event planning is just to plan any event e.g birthday

 wedding, bridal shower

and the likes. But the wedding coordinating package is majorly for wedding, i’ll be involved in everything concerning the wedding. Then the bride assistant package is the one in which, we’ll help the bride with everything, be it the shopping for her dress, accessories and all , her bridal shower, and everything and yes, my service is very affordable. You just bring your event and you’ll know the best is just our beginning 😁😁.

ATJ: Wow..that's nice. It was great having you on this platform , and i'm very sure you've been able to inspire few readers here. So is there any advice you have for upcoming artists , event planners  and the society at large ?

FARIDAH: I also had a great time there being here today, thanks for having me over ! My advise to aspiring makeup artists and event planners out there is be keen and passionate about what they’re doing and to never let any challenge bring them down because there will  be lots of challenges and handling these challenges makes the whole thing even better . Just be passionate about whatever it is you’re doing.

ATJ: Thank you Faridah !We look forward to working with you in the nearest future . Have a nice day.

FARIDAH: Thanks Tobi. I look forward to coming back for another interview as well, if I’m called upon though  😁☺.
ATJ: 👍

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